I'm working with directories full of images, which are photographs of documents in an archive. I'm writing org files with notes on the content of these, and I would like to make it quicker and easier to browse the images (e.g. with image-dired) and copy links into the org-mode file alongside my notes.
My working setup looks like this:
My questions are:
Here is a little code to make working with images easier. Just copy it into your *scratch*
buffer and run M-x eval-buffer
(defun my-next-image ()
(with-current-buffer "*image-dired*"
(defun my-prev-image ()
(with-current-buffer "*image-dired*"
(defun my-insert-current-image-path ()
(with-current-buffer "*image-dired*"
(define-key org-mode-map (kbd "<f9> n") 'my-next-image)
(define-key org-mode-map (kbd "<f9> p") 'my-prev-image)
(define-key org-mode-map (kbd "<f9> i") 'my-insert-current-image-path)
Press F9 n
to switch to the next image while in org mode, press F9 i
to insert a link to the current image. Rebind keys to your liking.