I am trying to extract bulleted text from powerpoint slides. But I couldn't find any helpful function which can provide information about if current line is in bullet list or not. I tried identifying it using indent level, but I dont find it useful either.
For example:
If slide contains text like:
. B
. C
. D
In this, there are 5 paragraphs, if get indent level of each paragraph it will come as :
Paragraph IndentLevel
Abcdefg... 1
B 1
C 1
D 2
E 3
Here, first 3 paragraph have same indent level, but only B and C are in bulleted list, so my program should B, c, D, E.
Here, i dont have any way to figure out if this para starts with bullet or not.
Can you please help?
Thanks, Kailas
Code that I am using for retrieving text
public void analyzeText( PowerPoint.Shape shape )
if( shape.HasTextFrame == Office.MsoTriState.msoTrue && shape.TextFrame.HasText == Office.MsoTriState.msoTrue )
PowerPoint.TextRange textRange = shape.TextFrame.TextRange;
string text = textRange.Text;
for( int i=1; i<=textRange.Paragraphs().Count; i++)
MessageBox.Show("Paragram COunt : " + textRange.Paragraphs(i).Text + " Indent " + textRange.Paragraphs(i).IndentLevel);
Thanks JamieG for helping out. Your answer gave me hint. Here is how I was able to solve this problem:
PowerPoint.BulletFormat bulletFormat = textRange.Paragraphs(x).ParagraphFormat.Bullet;
if( bulletFormat.Type == PowerPoint.PpBulletType.ppBulletNone )
// Not Bulleted
// Bulleted