I'm generating SVG visualizations with D3.js in an Ember-cli Application. The SVGs utilize filters and markers that are accessed through the id attribute:
<filter id="filterId">
<g class="nodes">
<circle filter="url(#filterId)" ...></circle>
This works fine on the index page (url: ), but is broken when traversing to other routes (ex: \otherRoute). It will work on the other route if I change circle to
<circle filter="url(./otherRoute#filterId)" ...></circle>
But it then breaks on the index and all other pages.
I can fix it by manually prepending the url to #filterId when building the svg elements on each route or by using the hash locationType in ember-cli (which uses /#routeUrl instead of /routeUrl), but was wondering if there was a generic way to automatically link to the current url so I can still use the history API?
Ran into the same issue with a clip-path attribute after moving from hash URLs to the history API. The original implementation was an SVG element like:
<clipPath id="clip-path-ember1919">
<path d="..."></path>
<g clip-path="url(#clip-path-ember1919)">
<rect ...></rect>
This had been achieved with a simple D3 append:
var emberId = this.$().attr('id');
.attr('clip-path', "url(#clip-path-#{emberId})");
To solve the issues raised by the history API, I used the same solution you described (prepending the URL), but by using window.location.pathname
var emberId = this.$().attr('id');
var relPath =
.attr('clip-path', "url(." + window.location.pathname + "#clip-path-" + emberId + ")");
This creates an SVG element much like the circle element referenced in the question.
<clipPath id="clip-path-ember1919">
<path d="..."></path>
<g clip-path="url(./path/to/page#clip-path-ember1919)">
<rect ...></rect>
Long way of saying: similar solution to the original poster, just using window.location.pathname
to generate the prepended URL.