I'm having some trouble with Maven site plugin. I have the following sample structure:
We have one module with the tag/branches/trunk structure and another one without (the first has it's own deploy cycle). Let's say that the parent pom.xml is something like this:
When I look into the effective pom of the modules we have something like the following:
The module nested in trunk directory has doubled relative urls (module-1/module-1) for some reason and the other one (/module-2) went normal. Am I failing at some of Maven conventions or missing something else?
EDIT: This is the effective pom, the real ones are just the minimal:
From the documentation of Maven Site Plugin:
If subprojects inherit the site URL from a parent POM, they will automatically append their to form their effective deployment location.
In fact it's only half of the story: as soon as the parent project is not the direct ancestor, Maven will generated inadequate url and site/url values. E.g. with a parent project which is not the root project.
Or here with module-1/trunk. In such a case you have to declare explicitely the url and site/url.