I'm implementing the Accumulo BatchWriter interface to perform some additional computation over records before inserting. That computation may throw a checked exception if something goes wrong, but the only exception thrown by BatchWriter is the MutationsRejectedException. As such, I'm unable to throw the necessary checked exception when an error occurs in the pre-processing I'm trying to do.
Now, I could catch the checked exception and simply throw another exception in its place: either an unchecked exception like some RuntimeException or a MutationsRejectedException. Neither option seems great - an unchecked exception is a poor simulacrum of the exception I'd like to actually throw while throwing a MutationsRejectedException wouldn't allow me to see the actual cause of the error.
What is the best practice here?
"MutationsRejectedException wouldn't allow me to see the actual cause of the error."
Yes MutationsRejectedException would allow you to see the actual cause via chained exceptions. Note the "Throwable cause" in the constructor. Code for version 1.7;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new MutationsRejectedException(null, null, (Map<TabletId,Set<SecurityErrorCode>>)null, null, 1, e);
} catch (MutationsRejectedException e) {
Throwable c = e.getCause();
if(c instanceof MyException){
throw e;