I need to go to a specific router to test publish behavior, I'm using iron router package, Router.go('...'), but doesn't work in server side , it throw me an error:
//XXX this assumes no other routers on the parent stack which we should probably fix // 14
I20150220-18:47:00.749(-4)? router.dispatch(req.url, { // 15
I20150220-18:47:00.750(-4)? request: req, // 16
I20150220-18:47:00.750(-4)? response: res // 17
I20150220-18:47:00.750(-4)? }, next); // 18
I20150220-18:47:00.750(-4)? } has no method 'go'
I20150220-18:47:00.750(-4)? at packages/velocity:test-proxy/tests/mocha/server/publish/folders-publisher-tests.js:23:1
I20150220-18:47:00.750(-4)? at wrappedFunc (packages/mike:mocha/server.js:204:1)
I20150220-18:47:00.751(-4)? at runWithEnvironment (packages/mike:mocha/server.js:156:1)
My routers files are in lib, and I've already tried calling a method in my routers controller, but also doesn't work, does some one has a clue what it could be???? please
Iron router is a client/server library and is easily testable with a client test.
This is how I make test using Meteor + Velocity + Mocha + chai :
First, you need to create a file _lib.js containing a function which will wait while the router and your template is loading (idea I found there : https://stackoverflow.com/a/28782406/2294168)
this.afterRendered = function(template, f) {
var cb = template.rendered;
template.rendered = function() {
if (typeof cb === "function") {
template.rendered = cb;
if (typeof f === "function") {
And now you can write your clientTest.js
if (Mochaweb) {
MochaWeb.testOnly(function () {
describe("what you test", function () {
// If the argument done is specified, it means that you have
// something async in your test : afterRendered, setTimeout, setInterval ...
it("Should do something", function (done) {
try {
Router.go("user.login"); // which will load the page localhost/user/login and not localhost/user.login
afterRendered(Template.userlogin, function() {
setTimeout(function() {
chai.expect($("magical-text:visible").html()).to.be.equal("I can handle async process");
} catch (e) {
it("will test something else after the previous test, function () {