I have a JSON like this:
My code where I can access each key
for (var key in contacts) {
if (contacts.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
var newRow = new Element('li');
newRow.set('html', contacts[key].forename + ' ' + contacts[key].surname);
var innerSpan = new Element('span').set('html', contacts[key].phone + ', ' + contacts[key].email);
innerSpan.set('html', contacts[key].phone + ', ' + contacts[key].email);
newRow.addEvent("click", this.setFromContact.bind(this, contacts[key]));
// save myName to a variale here!!
Now I want to save "myName" to a variable.
You can test the value of the keys and if the value is "myName" you can save it into a variable.
var myName = '';
for (var key in contacts) {
if(key == "myName")
myName = key;