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Constructing request payload in R using rjson/jsonlite

My current code as seen below attempts to construct a request payload (body), but isn't giving me the desired result.


y = rjson::fromJSON((df2json::df2json(dataframe)))
globalparam = ""

req = list(
  Inputs = list(
    input1 = y
  ,GlobalParameters = paste("{",globalparam,"}",sep="")#globalparam
body = enc2utf8((rjson::toJSON(req)))

body currently turns out to be

    "Inputs": {
        "input1": [
                "X": 7,
                "Y": 5,
                "month": "mar",
                "day": "fri",
                "FFMC": 86.2,
                "DMC": 26.2,
                "DC": 94.3,
                "ISI": 5.1,
                "temp": 8.2,
                "RH": 51,
                "wind": 6.7,
                "rain": 0,
                "area": 0
    "GlobalParameters": "{}"

However, I need it to look like this:

  "Inputs": {
    "input1": [
    "X": 7,
    "Y": 5,
    "month": "mar",
    "day": "fri",
    "FFMC": 86.2,
    "DMC": 26.2,
    "DC": 94.3,
    "ISI": 5.1,
    "temp": 8.2,
    "RH": 51,
    "wind": 6.7,
    "rain": 0,
    "area": 0

  "GlobalParameters": {}

So basically global parameters have to be {}, but not hardcoded. It seemed like a fairly simple problem, but I couldn't fix it. Please help!


This is the dataframe

  X Y month day FFMC  DMC    DC ISI temp RH wind rain area
1 7 5   mar fri 86.2 26.2  94.3 5.1  8.2 51  6.7  0.0    0
2 7 4   oct tue 90.6 35.4 669.1 6.7 18.0 33  0.9  0.0    0
3 7 4   oct sat 90.6 43.7 686.9 6.7 14.6 33  1.3  0.0    0
4 8 6   mar fri 91.7 33.3  77.5 9.0  8.3 97  4.0  0.2    0

This is an example of another data frame

> a = data.frame("col1" = c(81, 81, 81, 81), "col2" = c(72, 69, 79, 84))


  • Using this sample data

    dd<-read.table(text="  X Y month day FFMC  DMC    DC ISI temp RH wind rain area
    1 7 5   mar fri 86.2 26.2  94.3 5.1  8.2 51  6.7  0.0    0", header=T)

    You can do

    globalparam = setNames(list(), character(0))
    req = list(
      Inputs = list(
        input1 = dd
      ,GlobalParameters = globalparam
    body = enc2utf8((rjson::toJSON(req)))

    Note that globalparam looks a bit funny because we need to force it to a named list for rjson to treat it properly. We only have to do this when it's empty.