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Running maven goals from Java without a Maven executable installed on the machine

I am trying to build a project to checkout code from SCM and build it using maven. Is there a way we can achieve running maven goals from java without a maven home being provided(no maven installation). For SVN, I am using svnkit to achieve the same. For maven, I tried using the below 2 options. Can anyone give a good example of using org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli programattically?

For both the above options, I need to have a maven installation. Any suggestions?


  • No, just include the jar in your project and the following, to compile code:

    MavenCli cli = new MavenCli();
    int result = cli.doMain(new String[]{"compile"},
            System.out, System.out);
    System.out.println("result: " + result);

    Per a comment, here's how you add the dependency to your project. This does not install maven on your system, merely includes the JARs in your project build:
