Hello I have a directory for my photos in the structure of
Sometimes I did not use [dd/mm/yyyy] but [dd/mm/yy] for example [22-03-13] instead [22-03-2013].
I need to rename all of this with a command because there are a lot to change it by hand.
I was able to find them by using "Everything" finder with the
"E:\Pictures\" [??-??-13]_*
I would love a command like:
rename [??-??-13]_* to [??-??-2013]_*
where ? and * remain the same. Is this possible? Thank you very much for your time.
PS I can use either Linux or Windows.
Many linux distros come with a great tool called rename that does just what you want.
For example:
$ rename -n 's/(\d{2})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})_(.*)/$1-$2-20$3_$4/' ./*
'./08-01-14_tahiti.jpg' would be renamed to './08-01-2014_tahiti.jpg'
'./14-11-13_guam.jpg' would be renamed to './14-11-2013_guam.jpg'
'./23-07-12_hawaii.jpg' would be renamed to './23-07-2012_hawaii.jpg'