I have created a hyperlink from my report and pass through a value successfully.
="http://Applicationlive:8080/ApplicationName/secure/EventReportPage.zul?EventReportId=" & Fields!event_report_id.Value
Now I want to open it in a new window.
I've tried variations of
=”javascript:void(window.open(‘http://Applicationlive:8080/ApplicationName/secure/EventReportPage.zul?EventReportId=" & Fields!event_report_id.Value,’_blank’))”
With no joy, either the hyperlink doesn't do anything or the report doesn't preview.
Is it possible to pass though a report value into a web application url in a new window? and if so can you help.
I Created the Link Url in the Query-
'<a href = "javascript:void(window.open(''http://Applicationlive:8080/ApplicationName/secure/ EventReportPage.zul?EventReportId='
+ CONVERT(VARCHAR(15), event_report_id)
+ ''',''_blank''));">' + linkDescription + '</a>' [Link]
Then in the report i went to place holder properties and interpreted HTML tags as styles.
Hope that works for you.