I have created RSS Feed in the back office of eZ publish. The problem is that I can access the RSS Feed from the admin interface of eZ Publish but not from the Front end.
example :
http://my-back-ez/rss/feed/news => Working
http://my-front-ez/rss/feed/news => Redirect to admin login
Instead of showing the RSS feed, i'm redirected to the admin login with the front url, I don't understand why.
Every conf seems to be initialized correclty. I've read that the routing is managed automatically by eZ Legacy and I do not have to create a specific route in the routing.yml file.
eZ Publish Version : 2014.11 (5.4).
When i log in via the front office there is no cookie "is_logged_in" so when i try to access the url "/rss/feed/myFeed/" i am redirected to admin login (probably passing throught legacy_stack) and the "is_logged_in" cookie is automatically created.
When i connect direclty from admin the "is_logged_in" cookie is created after login.
While the cookie is created i can access the RSS feed.
I've read that the "is_logged_in" cookie is deprecated, is it still the case here ? I am aware that RSS is a legacy module so it probably needs this cookie to verify if the user is logged.
Do i have to create manually the "is_logged_in" cookie or there is another way to allow the access to RSS feed ?
Thanks, Cheers.
Found the solution !
In the site.ini.append.php file you have to set the RequireUserLogin to false to tell legacy stack not to look for the is_logged_in cookie.
[SiteAccessSettings] RequireUserLogin=false
Cheers !