I am a beginner i spring-mvc-hibernate and i have a controller which have many calls to daoimpl methods in my spring mvc which are annotated by @Transactional does it make round trips for every method or does it make a single one?
Code looks like this : Hibernate is used to process all calls
CustomerEntity customerEntity = (CustomerEntity) customerService.getCustomerFromLeadId(id);
AddressEntity resAddressEntity = (AddressEntity) addressService.getResAddress(customerEntity.getSomeId());
AddressEntity offAddressEntity = (AddressEntity) addressService.getOffAddress(customerEntity.getSomeId());
List<KeyContactsEntity> listKeyContacts = keyContactService.getKeyContactOfClient(customerEntity.getSomeId());
List<PropertyEntity> listProperty = propertyService.getListOfProperty(customerEntity.getSomeId()) ;
customerDto = masterService.setEntityValues(customerDto,customerEntity,resAddressEntity,offAddressEntity,listKeyContacts,listProperty);
How the transaction works is simple. If from a component Controller, that is not transactional, you invoke a method from a service, that is transactional, your service method create the transaction, and then when the method it finish, since your controller is not transactional, the transaction is finish and it´s committed.
So in your case that you´re calling all those services from a non transactional component you create a new transaction for every one of them which is wrong because that´s means that if something goes wrong in the third service you cannot rollback the two previous
class Controller {
//New transaction
CustomerEntity customerEntity = (CustomerEntity) customerService.getCustomerFromLeadId(id);
//New transaction
AddressEntity resAddressEntity = (AddressEntity) addressService.getResAddress(customerEntity.getSomeId());
//New transaction
AddressEntity offAddressEntity = (AddressEntity) addressService.getOffAddress(customerEntity.getSomeId());
//New transaction / if something goes wrong no rollback for previous transactions
List<KeyContactsEntity> listKeyContacts = keyContactService.getKeyContactOfClient(customerEntity.getSomeId());
If you want group all your service transaction in just one, you need wrapp all of them into a "facade" component with @Transaction
class FacadeService {
//New transaction
CustomerEntity customerEntity = (CustomerEntity) customerService.getCustomerFromLeadId(id);
//Reuse transaction
AddressEntity resAddressEntity = (AddressEntity) addressService.getResAddress(customerEntity.getSomeId());
//Reuse transaction
AddressEntity offAddressEntity = (AddressEntity) addressService.getOffAddress(customerEntity.getSomeId());
//Reuse transaction / If something goes wrong rollback of everyting
List<KeyContactsEntity> listKeyContacts = keyContactService.getKeyContactOfClient(customerEntity.getSomeId());