Search code examples

Passing Data to a Route in Meteor

I'm using a route to create a PDF using PDFKit. I would like to create a PDF that lists all posts that belong to the current calendar.

This code returns "undefined" for currentPosts.postDate. However, if I do something like, it returns the calendar name without issue.

Where did I go wrong?

Router.route('/calendars/:_id/getPDF', function() {
     var currentCalendar = Calendars.findOne(this.params._id);
     var currentPosts = Posts.find({}, {fields: {calendarId: this.params._id}});
     var doc = new PDFDocument({size: 'A4', margin: 50});
     doc.text(currentPosts.postDate, 10, 30, {align: 'center', width: 200});
     this.response.writeHead(200, {
         'Content-type': 'application/pdf',
         'Content-Disposition': "attachment; filename=test.pdf"
     this.response.end( doc.outputSync() );
 }, {where: 'server'});


  • I can't test this, but this caught my eye:

    var currentPosts = Posts.find({}, {fields: {calendarId: this.params._id}});

    Posts.find({}) will return a whole recordset. But then you reference currentPosts.postDate as if it's one item. Maybe try this:

    var currentPost = Post.findOne({_id: this.params._id}, {fields: {postDate: 1}});
    doc.text(currentPost.postDate, 10, 30, {align: 'center', width: 200});

    If you wanted to get all the post dates, you'd have to loop through the results:

    // .fetch() turns a mongo cursor into an array of objects
    var currentPosts = Posts.find({calendarId: this.params._id}).fetch();
    // Assuming you're using underscore.js
    _.each(currentPosts, function (o) {
      // do something with o.postDate