I have an isAuthenticated property in a service that is currently injected on my application route, how can I have a computed property from the injected service in my route?
export default Ember.Route.extend({
session : Ember.inject.service('market-session'),
isUser : Ember.computed.oneWay('session.IsAuthenticated'),
Is this possible? In template doesn't seems to get the value.
Inside the template -
{{#if isUser}}
User is authenticated
User log in form
This computed property only works if I move it to the controller, this should be working in both the route and controller right? Am I missing something here?
Once the service has been injected, you can access computed properties on the service exactly how you have it shown above. From the Ember docs:
Creates a property that lazily looks up a service in the container. There are no restrictions as to what objects a service can be injected into.
You can access both computed properties and call functions on the service object as you would expect.