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Put a line break (newline) into a toastr message in AngularJS?

I'm using this code to display toasts on an AngularJS site. I need to know how to put a line break (<br/>) into the body. When I use the options shown in this question, toastr renders the tag on screen, rather than interpreting it as HTML. How can I get a line break into a toast?


  • There are two ways to allow some HTML tags, including line breaks, in a toast.

    Include 'body-output-type': 'trustedHtml' in toaster-options:

    <toaster-container toaster-options="{
        'closeButton': false,
        'debug': false,
        'position-class': 'toast-bottom-right',
        'onclick': null,
        'showDuration': '200',
        'hideDuration': '1000',
        'timeOut': '5000',
        'extendedTimeOut': '1000',
        'showEasing': 'swing',
        'hideEasing': 'linear',
        'showMethod': 'fadeIn',
        'hideMethod': 'fadeOut', 
        'body-output-type': 'trustedHtml'

    Or include 'trustedHtml' in a call to toaster.pop():

    toaster.pop('success', 'Saved', 'Saved<br/>it!', 3000, 'trustedHtml');


        type: 'success',
        title: 'Saved',
        body: 'Saved<br/>it!',
        bodyOutputType: 'trustedHtml'
