I can successfully validate my form and even return the errors. My problems started when my view had a few selects that needed to be populated with the data coming from the controller.
When i do model.addAttribute(...) it stops passing the errors to the view:
public String registerSubmit(@Valid @ModelAttribute("jconcorrente") Jconcorrentes concorrente, BindingResult result, HttpServletRequest request, Model model){
if(result.hasErrors()) {
model.addAttribute("listJdistrito", this.jdistritoService.listJdistrito());
model.addAttribute("listJtipocodiden", this.jtipodocidenService.listJtipodociden());
model.addAttribute("jconcorrente", new Jconcorrentes());
return "register";
So my question is how can i pass the data without affecting the validation errors?
My guess is that your errors aren't getting populated because you are adding new instance of your model attribute directly into the model.
Try to remove this line:
model.addAttribute("jconcorrente", new Jconcorrentes());
from your if statement and create new method like this:
public Jconcorrentes getJconcorrentes() {
return new Jconcorrentes();
Leave everything else the same and it should work.