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Add tool tip to Asp Drop-down list

When I add a tool tip attribute to asp drop-down list, its not showing any tool tip,When I include this drop-down in the div tag and give title attribute for the div tag, then i can see the tool-tip.

<div title="Professions">
<asp:Dropdownlist runat="server" ID="ddlProfession" DataValueField="ProfessionName" DataTextField="ProfessionName" Width="260px">

But I don't want to add any extra div or any other container. directly i want the drop-down to show the tool tip.even it is fine, if you can guide me how to add title attribute for input tag of asp drop-down list which comes after rendering.


  • It should work:-

    <asp:Dropdownlist runat="server" ID="ddlProfession" DataValueField="ProfessionName"
        DataTextField="ProfessionName" Width="260px" ToolTip="Some Text">

    Please note it will render Html select with title attribute as Some Text. So you don't need any extra div.