i am tiring to serialize a case class using jackson fasterxml, i can see the constructor parameters after deserialize (taskRequest and taskNameIn) but not the variables inside the class (jobsRequests is null for example):
//@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true) // tried to remove it with no luck
case class Job(taskRequest: List[TaskRequest] = Nil,taskNameIn:String) {
this.jobsRequests = taskRequest
this.taskName= taskNameIn
@volatile private var jobsRequests: List[TaskRequest] = Nil
var task_name: String = ""
Any suggestions ?
So there where some problems with the serialization, some where easy but i learn something that may help other people with this problem and the understanding of case class in general.
First, i used javap(.exe) to see the java code from the class files, to Job.scala with contained case class named Job, there are two class files: Job$.class and Job.class.
public final class logic.Queue.Task.Job$ extends scala.runtime.AbstractFunction4<java.lang.Object, java.lang.String, scala.collection.immutable.List<logic.Job.TaskRequest>, org.Server.Job.TaskContainer, logic.Queue.Task.Job> implements scala.Serializable {
public static final logic.Queue.Task.Job$ MODULE$;
public static {};
public final java.lang.String toString();
public class logic.Queue.Task.Job implements scala.Product,scala.Serializable {
public static org.Server.Job.TaskContainer apply$default$4();
public static scala.collection.immutable.List<logic.Job.TaskRequest> apply$default$3();
Meaning that the scala case class is an anonymous inner class and when you try to serialize it (and you can since both implements scala.Serializable), i solved it with adding to the signature to:
@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.CLASS, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property = "@class")
case class Job(stat: Int = CmsTypeMsg.Pending, jobName: String = "", taskRequestIn: List[TaskRequest] = Nil, taskIn: TaskContainer = new TaskContainer())
For more help on this issue: http://www.jpalomaki.fi/?p=527 Json deserialization into another class hierarchy using Jackson