I have a column in my Parse class which is of type Array, as the image below shows:
It is an ArrayList of Strings that I stored before. I want to retrieve that array into my another activity in my Android application. I'm not quite sure how to go about doing this. Currently, my approach is to make a class that extends the ParseObject class and then make a getter method to retrieve it, as follows:
import com.parse.ParseClassName;
import com.parse.ParseObject;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class ParseWorkout extends ParseObject{
public ArrayList<String> getReps() {
return get("Reps");
However, its giving me this error:
What is the proper way to retrieve the stored Array objects?
You can use the getList("Reps")
public class ParseWorkout extends ParseObject{
public List<String> getReps() {
return getList("Reps");
API Reference (moved): http://parseplatform.org/Parse-SDK-Android/api/com/parse/ParseObject.html#getList(java.lang.String)