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How can a parameter in a Generic method be assigned to an Integer and a Character class at the same time?

Why this code isn't showing any compilation error?

public class Generic
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Character[] arr3={'a','b','c','d','e','f','g'};
        Integer a=97;

class Non_genre
    static<T> boolean genMethod(T x,T[] y)
        int flag=0;
        for(T r:y)
            return false;
        return true;

If we write a normal code like this(shown below)

public class Hello
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Character arr=65;
        Integer a='A';
        if(arr==a)  //Compilation Error,shows Incompatible types Integer and Character

Then why the above above is running fine,how can T be of Integer class and array of T be of Character class at the same time,and if its running then why its not printing true,ASCII vaue of 'a' is 97,so it should print true.


  • Because the compiler infers Object as a type argument for your invocation of

    Non_genre.genMethod(a, arr3)

    Within the body of that method

    static <T> boolean genMethod(T x, T[] y) {

    your type parameter T is unbounded, and so can only be seen as an Object.

    Since x and the elements of y are of the same type (T), they can be compared just fine.

    if (r == x)