I'm a beginner of Scala, and I have JSON data formatted like below:
"index_key": {
"event_detail": {
I'm trying to get the content of "index_key" and extract the content of second level as a new JSON objet and initiate a class based on the second level data.
"event_detail": {
I tried to use json4s to extract from the above json to be a Event class, but how to get rid of the "index_key" which is the first level key?
case class Detail(event_name: String, location: String)
case class Event(time: String, event_detail: Detail)
I've read json4s documentation, and also http://www.scala-lang.org/api/2.10.3/index.html#scala.util.parsing.json.JSON$, but still don't quite get it, as it seems the pre-defined json should be fit for the parser?
Could anyone please tell me how to get the second level data (or any lower level) of the json structure?
You can use \
to get to the object you want to extract:
val json = parse(str) \ "index_key"