I am trying to set the selected value in drop down list. So I am doing this by comparing the indexes of the select options as follows,
<c:set var="questionids" value="Select Question,Employed?,Name?,Age (40+),Drinker?,Tobacco?,Smoker?" scope="application"/>
<select name="questionids" id="questionids" >
<c:forEach items="${fn:split(questionids, ',')}" var="questionids" varStatus="loop">
<c:if test="${healthWorkerQuestions == loop.index}" >
<option value="${loop.index}" selected>${questionids}</option>
<c:if test="${healthWorkerQuestions != questionids}" >
<option value="${loop.index}">${questionids}</option>
Issue: With the above code it is comparing the index and selected the matched index. Along with that It is inserting the option again.
I don;t want to insert the option again. I just need to select the matched index and no insertion required again.
So how can I just set the matched index with out inserting again?
This is because you are adding option element twice. You want to have <c:if test="${healthWorkerQuestions == loop.index}"
this condition only on selected
attribute. Not on whole option
<c:set var="questionids" value="Select Question,Employed?,Name?,Age (40+),Drinker?,Tobacco?,Smoker?" scope="application"/>
<select name="questionids" id="questionids" >
<c:forEach items="${fn:split(questionids, ',')}" var="questionids" varStatus="loop">
<c:if test="${healthWorkerQuestions != questionids}" >
<option value="${loop.index}"
<c:if test="${healthWorkerQuestions == loop.index}" >selected</c:if>