Fiddle -
I wanted to see if you can dynamically package a zip file and save it to Google Frive using JSZip and the Google Drive API.
I'm using the "Explicit render" method to start out with.
<a href="javascript:void(0)" id="render-link">
Render the Save to Drive button
<div id="savetodrive-div"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
function renderSaveToDrive() {
var zip = new JSZip();
zip.file("Hello.txt", "Hello World\n");
var folder = zip.folder("images");
folder.file("folder.txt", "I'm a file in a new folder");
var content = zip.generate({type:"blob"});
// see FileSaver.js
// saveAs(content, "");
// Save it to Google Drive
gapi.savetodrive.render('savetodrive-div', {
src: content,
filename: '',
sitename: 'My Company Name'
$('#render-link').click(function() {
Whatever I try I keep getting, "Failed Download XHR error".
Your best bet would be a Blob URL (with URL.createObjectURL(content)
) or a data URI but that doesn't seem possible: Is it possible to use client-side generated blob url to save to Google Drive