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how to use create a xml document with Xelement

I am trying to create a xml document using Xelement. I have a List of 2 objects, Data and Products. each has a list of objects. the xml document needs to be setup like this

   <Product>Product Name</Product>

Here is the code that I am using, of course it doesn't work but it is what I would theoretically need it to do.

var xEleProperty = new XElement("Property",
                        from item in Property.Data && item1 in Property.Products
                        select new XElement("points",
                                     new XElement("Sqft", item.sqft),
                                     new XElement("Price", item.price),
                                     new XElement("Product", item1.product)


  • The below works, you need the Id properties to join the two collections, otherwise you will get duplicate records:

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var data = new List<Data>();
            var products = new List<Product>();
            data.Add(new Data { ProductId = 1, Price = 321.0, Sqft = 789 });
            products.Add(new Product { Id = 1, Name = "SomeProduct 1" });
            data.Add(new Data { ProductId = 2, Price = 123.0, Sqft = 456 });
            products.Add(new Product { Id = 2, Name = "SomeProduct 2" });
            var xEleProperty = new XElement("Property",
                         from d in data
                         join product in products on d.ProductId equals product.Id
                         select new XElement("Points",
                                      new XElement("Sqft", d.Sqft),
                                      new XElement("Price", d.Price),
                                      new XElement("Product", product.Name)
    public class Data
        public int ProductId { get; set; }
        public double Price { get; set; }
        public int Sqft { get; set; }
    public class Product
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }

    the output is:

        <Product>SomeProduct 1</Product>
        <Product>SomeProduct 2</Product>