I have plotted the X and Y axes. I have couple of points to show on the axis. My points vary for X axis from 4.5 to 8 and for Y axis from 2 to 4.
You can find the DEMO of what I have done.
function kmeans(){
x_means[0] = 5.9;
The problem is this chart shows the points such as 0.59. However, I can't see when I give the value of 5.9 since it falls out of the chart.
Any ideas on how to solve this?
Thank you!
If you inspect your javascript console, you'll see this error:
Error: Invalid value for <circle> attribute cy="NaN"
This is because the data you feed d3 is:
> numeric.transpose([[0.59],[]])
0: 0.59
1: undefined
So that:
.attr("cy", function(d, i){return Y(d[1]);});
is an operation on undefined.
Do'h, just re-read your question. Your scales need a domain, this is the user space span of your coordinate space. The range then is is the pixel span of your coordinate space. The scale maps the two together:
var X = d3.scale.linear()
.range([0, width]) //<-- 0 to 960 pixels
.domain([0,10]); //<-- maps to coordinates 0 to 10
See update here.
I also modified it to use proper axis so it's easier to visualize.