I have to port a non-cli project to the cli. I have a route that is:
App.thisRoute = App.previouslyDefinedRoute.extend({...})
With the CLI, I've tried this:
// routes/thisRoute.js
import App from 'app';
export default App.previouslyDefinedRoute.extend({...})
That gives me this Ember Inspector Error:
Ember Inspector has errored.
Error message: Could not find module
imported fromapp/routes/thisRoute
I've also tried:
// routes/thisRoute.js
import App from 'routes/previouslyDefinedRoute.js';
export default App.previouslyDefinedRoute.extend({...})
Both dont work.
How do I get my app instance?
There is no app instance in ember-cli, it uses ES6 modules instead, in order to extend a route you will have to import it first.
import PreviousRoute from 'yourProjectName/routes/previouslyDefinedRoute';
Note that the file extension is not needed.
And then you can just export default PreviousRoute.extend({});
Your files must always export either a default or a named function in order to be used by other files.