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Maven archetype - Velocity error because of a colon

I am having trouble creating a Maven archetype because of the presence of a colon character (':') in one of the resources. I have a Spring XML that includes that symbol:

<property name="maxSize" value="${ws.client.pool.maxSize:5}"/>

When launching the archetype I get this error:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:2.2:generate 
(default-cli) on project standalone-pom: 
org.apache.maven.archetype.exception.ArchetypeGenerationFailure: Error merging velocity templates: 
Encountered ":5}\"/>\n\t</bean>\n\t\n\t<bean id=\"fooServiceClient\" class=\"org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean\">\n\t    <property name=\"targetSource\" ref=\"fooServiceClientPoolTargetSource\"/>\n\t</bean>\n\n</beans>\n" 
at line 15, column 69 of archetype-resources/src/main/resources/spring/
[ERROR] Was expecting one of:
[ERROR] "}" ...
[ERROR] <DOT> ...
[ERROR] "(" ...
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]

I tried configuring a escape character in the archetype's pom:

            <!-- Resources configuration -->

However it still doesn't work. In this case:

<property name="maxSize" value="${ws.client.pool.maxSize\:5}"/>

the error is as follows:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:2.2:generate 
(default-cli) on project standalone-pom: org.apache.maven.archetype.exception.ArchetypeGenerationFailure: 
Error merging velocity templates: 
Encountered "\\" at line 15, column 69 of archetype-resources/src/main/resources/spring/
[ERROR] Was expecting one of:
[ERROR] "}" ...
[ERROR] <DOT> ...
[ERROR] "(" ...
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]

Any idea on how to escape that colon?


  • I worked out a solution based on a Velocity variable ($maxSize):

    #set( $maxSize = '${ws.client.pool.maxSize:5}' )
    <bean id="fooServiceClientPoolTargetSource" class="">
        <property name="targetBeanName" value="fooServiceClientTarget"/>
        <property name="maxSize" value="$maxSize"/>