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How can I make magnific-popup open an selected item in a inline gallery?

I am using magnific-popup to display an inline gallery (with custom HTML markup), precisely like the example here. This opens a gallery of custom markup, where you can click through 3 sets of avatar/name/location data. (Try the example or the code below and you'll see what I mean).

However, I can't find a way to open the second (or anything besides the first) element on an anchor click.

Has anyone used magnific-popup and and been able to open an inline element other than the first element?


<button style="padding:20px;">Open popup</button>


.white-popup {
  position: relative;
  background: #FFF;
  padding: 20px;
  width: auto;
  max-width: 200px;
  margin: 20px auto;
  text-align: center;


// Define data for the popup
var data = [
    username: "Brad Frost", // Key "username" means that Magnific Popup will look for an element with class "mfp-username" in markup and will replace its inner HTML with the value.
    userWebsite_href: '', // Key "userWebsite_href" means that Magnific Popup will look for an element with class "mfp-userWebsite" and will change its "href" attribute. Instead of ending "href" you may put any other attribute.
    userAvatarUrl_img: '', // Prefix "_img" is special. With it Magnific Popup finds an  element "userAvatarUrl" and replaces it completely with image tag.
    userLocation: 'Pittsburgh, PA'
    username: "Paul Irish",
    userWebsite_href: '',
    userAvatarUrl_img: '',
    userLocation: 'San Francisco'


    username: "Chris Coyier",
    userWebsite_href: '',
    userAvatarUrl_img: '',
    userLocation: 'Palo Alto, California'

// initalize popup
  key: 'my-popup', 
  items: data,
  type: 'inline',
  inline: {
    // Define markup. Class names should match key names.
    markup: '<div class="white-popup"><div class="mfp-close"></div>'+
              '<a class="mfp-userWebsite">'+
                '<div class="mfp-userAvatarUrl"></div>'+
                '<h2 class="mfp-username"></h2>'+
              '<div class="mfp-userLocation"></div>'+
  gallery: {
    enabled: true 
  callbacks: {
    markupParse: function(template, values, item) {
      // optionally apply your own logic - modify "template" element based on data in "values"
      // console.log('Parsing:', template, values, item);


  • Add this to your magnificPopup function and this will open up the second item on click:


    Listed on the documentation here.

    Example Codepen