I'm using a JList to record & display changes to my data. I'm interested in being able to "undo" those changes. For that reason I would like to ensure that, whatever the user clicks on the list, the selection includes everything from that item to the end of the list. I had thought that
lstLog.getSelectionModel().addListSelectionListener(new ListSelectionListener() {
public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent lse) {
if((lse.getFirstIndex() == (lstLog.getModel().getSize() - 1)) || (lse.getLastIndex() == (lstLog.getModel().getSize() - 1))) {
// this.valueChanged(lse);
else {
int lowestSelection;
if(lse.getFirstIndex() < 0) lowestSelection = lse.getLastIndex();
else if (lse.getLastIndex() < 0) lowestSelection = lse.getFirstIndex();
else lowestSelection = ((lse.getFirstIndex() < lse.getLastIndex()) ? lse.getLastIndex() : lse.getFirstIndex());
lstLog.setSelectionInterval(lowestSelection, lstLog.getModel().getSize() - 1);
would do it, but it's practically ignored. Tutorials on writing ListSelectionListeners from Oracle, Java2s and Riga U all use exactly the same (unhelpful) example. Does anyone have a better way? Thanks in advance!
This works brilliantly! Thanks, @mKorbel !
import javax.swing.ListSelectionModel;
import javax.swing.DefaultListSelectionModel;
import javax.swing.JList;
import javax.swing.ListModel;
import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener;
* @author MaskedCoder
public class ActionListSelectionModel extends DefaultListSelectionModel implements ListSelectionModel {
ListModel thisModel;
public ActionListSelectionModel(JList iniList) {
thisModel = iniList.getModel();
super.setAnchorSelectionIndex(thisModel.getSize() - 1);
// maybe add datalistener to update AnchorSelection when items added/removed
private int betterOf(int index0, int index1) {
if(index0 < 0) return index1;
else if (index1 < 0) return index0;
else return ((index0 < index1) ? index1 : index0);
* ListSelectionModel implementation
public void setSelectionInterval(int index0, int index1) {
super.setSelectionInterval(thisModel.getSize() - 1, betterOf(index0, index1));
public void addSelectionInterval(int index0, int index1) {
// don't want to add, so just do same as above
super.setSelectionInterval(thisModel.getSize() - 1, betterOf(index0, index1));
public void setAnchorSelectionIndex(int anchorIndex) {
super.setAnchorSelectionIndex(thisModel.getSize() - 1);
public void insertIndexInterval(int index, int length, boolean before) {
super.setSelectionInterval(thisModel.getSize() - 1, index);
public void removeIndexInterval(int index0, int index1) {
// do nothing. Only (1) interval and it will never be removed.
public void setSelectionMode(int selectionMode) {