Following on from this discussion: RactiveJS and jQuery plugins I was able to wrap a jquery plugin into a ractive decorator. You'll see I hardwire / manipulate the data array with the line data.resources.splice(newIndex, 0, data.resources.splice(oldIndex, 1)[0] );
This is brute force. Ideally, I'd like to be able to retrieve the keypath from the node.
I'm having difficulty trying to figure out how I can get the keypath used by the selected node... It is populated by data.resources. I've tried ractive.get() - but that returns everything from the root ('data').
Is there a method that will return ('data.resources')
var sorttable = function (node) {
var oldIndex;
var newIndex;
containerSelector: 'table',
itemPath: '> tbody',
itemSelector: 'tr',
placeholder: '<tr class="placeholder"/>',
onDragStart: function ($item) {
oldIndex = $item.index();
console.log(oldIndex , newIndex);
onDrop: function ($item) {
newIndex = $item.index();
if(newIndex != oldIndex) {
console.log(oldIndex , newIndex);
data.resources.splice(newIndex, 0, data.resources.splice(oldIndex, 1)[0] );
return {
teardown: function () {
Ractive.decorators.sortable = sorttable;
***** EDIT *****
var sorttable = function (node) {
var oldIndex;
var newIndex;
containerSelector: 'table',
itemPath: '> tbody',
itemSelector: 'tr',
placeholder: '<tr class="placeholder"/>',
onDragStart: function ($item) {
oldIndex = $item.index();
console.log(oldIndex , newIndex);
onDrop: function ($item) {
newIndex = $item.index();
var info = $item.context.parentNode;
info = Ractive.getNodeInfo(info);
var sourceKeypath = info.keypath;
var lastDotIndex = sourceKeypath.lastIndexOf( '.' );
var sourceArray = sourceKeypath.substr( 0, lastDotIndex );
if(newIndex != oldIndex) {
console.log(oldIndex , newIndex);
data[sourceArray].splice(newIndex, 0, data[sourceArray].splice(oldIndex, 1)[0] );
return {
teardown: function () {
I had to do some weird traversal due to how I set things up... I had to find the TR, and from that I was able to get the keypath. However, I still have to put in 'data.' before... so just got to figure that bit out now.
***** EDIT 2 - this works! *****
var sortTable = function (node) {
var oldIndex;
var newIndex;
containerSelector: 'table',
itemPath: '> tbody',
itemSelector: 'tr',
placeholder: '<tr class="placeholder"/>',
onDragStart: function ($item) {
// Get index of our 'grabbed' item
oldIndex = $item.index();
console.log(oldIndex , newIndex);
onDrop: function ($item) {
// Get index of our 'dropped' item
newIndex = $item.index();
// Get the parentNode (this would be the tr)
var info = $item.context.parentNode;
// Then get all the Ractive info about this TR (gives us the keypath etc)
info = Ractive.getNodeInfo(info);
// Put the keypath into its own variable
var sourceKeypath = info.keypath;
// The keypath returns the array, plus the index of the item.
// We don't need the index - only the name of the array
var lastDotIndex = sourceKeypath.lastIndexOf( '.' );
var sourceArray = sourceKeypath.substr( 0, lastDotIndex );
// We need the parentObj so we can do parentObj[sourceArray]
// nb: data[resources]
// So grab the parent, and stick it into its own var
var parentObj = ractive.get( sourceKeypath.parent );
// Then update the array with the new order here
if(newIndex != oldIndex) {
console.log(oldIndex , newIndex);
parentObj[sourceArray].splice(newIndex, 0, parentObj[sourceArray].splice(oldIndex, 1)[0] );
return {
teardown: function () {
var info = Ractive.getNodeInfo(node);
gives you { ractive: instance, keypath: keypath, index: indices }
where keypath
is the context of the node which if it were in an {{#each}}
would be something like resources.0
You could then do something like:
lastDotIndex = sourceKeypath.lastIndexOf( '.' );
sourceArray = sourceKeypath.substr( 0, lastDotIndex );
sourceIndex = +( sourceKeypath.substring( lastDotIndex + 1 ) );
to get the array (above is from ractive-decorators-sortable)