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This parser generator says that this grammar isn't LR(1) but I have my doubts

I've written a parser generator in Java, after a few bumps (an early version didn't particularly like left recursion for example), I managed to make it work with some simple grammars (so i can verify by hand the productions are correct) I tried feeding it a more complex grammar and the output is that it isn't a LR(1) grammar (derived from the fact that the parsed tried to write twice on the same cell in the parsing table)

the grammar in question is


I'm pretty sure this grammar is LR(1), anyhow, here is the output of my program

Any advice will be most precious Thanks (even better if someone has a parser generator that output the automaton and parse table so i can confront them)


  • This grammar can't be LR(1) because it's ambiguous. Here are two ways of deriving the string ab:

    S → aAb → ab

    S → SA → aAbA → abA → ab

    Your LR(1) sets actually contain a shift/reduce conflict. Check out State 5, which includes these items:

    [A->S. { $a }]
    [A->.aA { $a }]

    This is a shift/reduce conflict: do you shift on a, or do you reduce on a? Therefore, the tool looks right on this input: the grammar isn't LR(1), and it's finding that it isn't LR(1).

    Hope this helps!