With Iron Router, I have the following route set up:
Router.route('/:cat', {
name: "goods",
waitOn: function() {
Session.setDefault('limit', 20)
var limit = Session.get('limit') || 20
Meteor.subscribe('goods', this.params.cat, limit)
The idea is that the user can press a bunch of buttons to change the cat
(egory), filtering out some data but remaining on the same route. Classic stuff.
Right now it just sets a default limit
of 20 and as the user scrolls down, it is increased. If he clicks a button to change category, it doesn't make sense to instantly load 100 new items, but set the limit
back to 20 again.
Problem is, I can't really think of a good way to do that. Removing the setDefault
to use a Session.set
won't work. All I can think of right now is logging the cat
in a Session
and use that to check if the category has been changed, but I was hoping there is a better way.
How about using the template to manage the state (instead of sessions and the route.
For example, using a reactivate variable (reactive-var package), and passing the category through the route to the template. This way - categories can be linked to (and the limits expanded/limited as needed).
Start by instantiating the template
Template.limitedDatasource.created = function() {
this.data.limitVar = new ReactiveVar(20);
this.data.dsSub = Meteor.subscribe('goods', this.data.category, this.data.limitVar.get())
Add some template level helpers to manage the subscription readyness and the data
dataSourceReady: function() {
return this.dsSub.ready();
dataSource: function() {
return CollectioName.find({cat: this.category}, {limit: this.limitVar.get()});
Add some event handlers to load in more things (maybe change the limit?)
'click .showMore': function(event, template) {
var newLimit = template.data.limitVar.get() + 20;