Today I ordered a translation for 7 different languages, and 4 of them appear to be great, but when I opened the other 3, namely Greek, Russian, and Korean, the text that was there wasn't related to any language at all. It looked like a bunch of error characters, like the kind you get when you have the wrong encoding on a file.
For instance, here is part of the output of the Korean translation:
I may not even speak a hint of Korean, but I can tell you with all certainty that is not Korean.
I assume this is a file encoding issue, and when I open the file in Notepad, the encoding is listed as ANSI, which is clearly a problem; the same can be said for the other two languages.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix the encoding of these 3 files; I requested the translators reupload in UTF-8, but in the meantime, I thought I might try to fix it myself.
If anyone is interested in seeing the actual files, you can get them from my Dropbox.
If you look at the byte stream as pairs of bytes, they look vaguely Korean but I cannot tell of they are what you would expect or not.
bash$ python3.4
Python 3.4.3 (v3.4.3:b4cbecbc0781, May 30 2015, 15:45:01)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 6.1.0 (clang-602.0.53)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> buf = '½Ì±ÛÇ÷¹À̾î'
>>> [hex(ord(b)) for b in buf]
>>> ['0xbd', '0xcc', '0xb1', '0xdb', '0xc7', '0xc3', '0xb7', '0xb9', '0xc0', '0xcc', '0xbe', '0xee']
>>> u'\uBDCC\uB1DB\uC7C3\uB7B9\uC0CC\uBEEE'
Your best bet is to wait for the translator to upload UTF-8 versions or have them tell you the encoding of the file. I wouldn't make the assumption that they bytes are simply 16 bit characters.
I passed this through the chardet module and it detected the character set as EUC-KR.
>>> import chardet
>>> chardet.detect(b'\xBD\xCC\xB1\xDB\xC7\xC3\xB7\xB9\xC0\xCC\xBE\xEE')
{'confidence': 0.833333333333334, 'encoding': 'EUC-KR'}
>>> b'\xBD\xCC\xB1\xDB\xC7\xC3\xB7\xB9\xC0\xCC\xBE\xEE'.decode('EUC-KR')
According to Google translate, the first line is "Single Player". Try opening it with Notepad and using EUC-KR as the encoding.