I am using an anchor link here in my code to navigate to my delete script but before running the script I want javascript to come up with a popup that says are you sure to delete, and thus on confirmation goes and delete the data by running the script I wrote in delete_subject.php.
When I click on the anchor tag, it doesn't bring the popup but runs the script directly and deletes the data. So, why does the JavaScript not run?
<a href="delete_subject.php?
subject=<?php echo $current_subject["id"];?>"
onclick="return confirm("Are you sure?");">Delete subject</a>
You're nesting your quotes incorrectly.
Try this instead:
<a href="delete_subject.php?
subject=<?php echo $current_subject["id"];?>"
onclick="return confirm('Are you sure?');">Delete subject</a>
When inside double quotes, you'll have to use single quotes to work with strings in JavaScript.