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MarkerManager visible markers

i'm using MarkerManager v3 and google maps to display with a lot of markers. Now everything works perfect, but I can't seem to find a way to show only the markers that the markermanager is showing. I am aware of the method getMarkerCount which returns the number of visible markers in the zoom, but I need the information from the markers like id, title etc. to update an table containing points on dragend-event.

I tried

    google.maps.event.addListener(map, "dragend", function() {
        for(var i = gMarkers.length, bounds = map.getBounds(); i--;) {
            if( bounds.contains(gMarkers[i].getPosition()) ){

This method returns all markers even though they are not visible at the current zoom-level? Any idea of how I can achieve this?

To be more precise, see my test-site, where the table should reflect the markers visible (red icon) on the map within the bounds


  • I consider my solution as being "quick and dirty". I think it should be doable, by using the plugin.

    Anyway, the result is what you required, I think. The code I show is inside initialize; 1 extra function and a replacement of zoom_changed and dragend

    google.maps.event.addListener(map, "zoom_changed",function() {
      var zoom = map.getZoom();
      timer = setTimeout(visibleMarkersInTable, 400);
    google.maps.event.addListener(map, "dragend", function() {
      timer = setTimeout(visibleMarkersInTable, 400);
    var timer; 
    function visibleMarkersInTable () {
      clearTimeout(timer);  // make sure you don't check, while the user is panning or zooming.; so this blocks a lot of temporary checks
      $('table tbody').empty();
      for (i in gMarkers) {
        var markerVisible = gMarkers[i].map ? true : false;
        if(markerVisible) {
          // mind you, the marker might be on the map, but just outside of the boundaries.
          // so let's check those
          if (map.getBounds().contains(gMarkers[i].getPosition()) ) {
            $('table tbody').append('<tr id="' + gMarkers[i].id + '"><td>' + gMarkers[i].title + '</td><td>' + gMarkers[i].getPosition().lat() + '</td><td>' + gMarkers[i].getPosition().lng() + '</td></tr>');

    Feel free to tamper with that 400ms delay in the setTimeout; set it to whatever suits you. Especially when you have hundreds of markers. No idea how slow this would get.