Is this the correct way to bit shift into a char?
char value = (char)((array[offset] << 9) + (array[offset + 1]));
If not, please correct me.
Bytes in Java are a bit tricky. They don't go from 0 to 255 like you might be used to from other languages. Instead, they go from 0 to 127 and then from -128 to -1.
This means, that all bytes in your byte
array that is below 128 will be converted into the correct char
with this code:
char value = (char)((array[offset] << 8) + (array[offset + 1]));
But if the byte
value is above 127, you'll probably get results you didn't expect.
Small example:
class test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
byte b = (byte)150;
char c = (char)b;
int i = (int)c;
Will output this:
Not exactly what you might expect. (Depending of course how well you know Java).
So to properly convert 2 bytes into a char, you'd probably want a function like this:
char toChar(byte b1, byte b2) {
char c1 = (char)b1;
char c2 = (char)b2;
if (c1<0) c1+=256;
if (c2<0) c2+=256;
return (char)((c1<<8)+c2);