Im making an export for my company which takes soma data, given through PHP, and outputs them to a excel spreadsheet.
Everything works well, except for one little thing. Im conditionally formatting some cells to have a specific color. Neither I get an error, nor i get the right background color for the other cells, they just stay white.
I'm using PHPExcel to create the output, the following is my Code:
//just for information:
// $spreadsheet = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet();
$conditionalStyleNormal = new PHPExcel_Style_Conditional();
->setText('Normal (Mittagspause)')
//apply style
$conditionalStyles = $spreadsheet->getStyle('A5:A50')->getConditionalStyles();
array_push($conditionalStyles, $conditionalStyleNormal);
//copy style to other cells (does not work)
$spreadsheet->duplicateStyle($spreadsheet->getStyle('A5'), 'C5:I5');
The last line has no effect on the file.
The documentation of PHPExcel says:
If you want to copy the ruleset to other cells, you can duplicate the style object: $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->duplicateStyle($objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('B2'), 'B3:B7');
Am i overlooking something? Or is it just a bug? If so, is there a good workaround?
Couldn't find a solution, just found out that the function had a misbehaviour in a earlier version. I'm working with PHPExcel 1.8.0.
Thanks in advance!
I've now made a own little workaround. Instead of adding conditions to the cells, I now have the whole thing in my PHP script. I check the cell, which had the condition on it, if it has a specific value and if so, I color the other cells next to them.
for ($row=1; $row <= 50; $row++) {
$cellvalue = $spreadsheet->getCell('A'.$row)->getValue();
switch ($cellvalue) {
// a case for each value where the row should be colored,
// will not list the others, so it uses not as much space
case 'Frühschicht':
for ($col="A"; $col <= "I"; $col++) {
May not be the nicest solution, but for a little project like this one, it should be fine and could be much worse i think xD