Let's say I have something like that :
<md-grid-tile class="gray" ng-repeat="carto in cartoList" ng-if="search(carto)">
<md-button ng-click="changeSVG(carto.fileName)" aria-label="carto.displayName">
<img src="style/images/thumbnails/{{carto.fileName}}.png" width="100%" height="100%" title="{{carto.fullDisplayName}}" style="max-height: 220px;"></img>
<md-grid-tile-footer><h3 align="center">{{carto.displayName}}</h3> </md-grid-tile-footer>
Is there a way to retrieve the number of displayed tiles ? Meaning the number of elements in the ng-repeat
matching the ng-if
<md-grid-tile class="gray" ng-repeat="carto in cartoList" ng-if="search(carto)">
As requested, the search
function :
$scope.search = function (carto) {
if ($scope.sideMenu) {
var searchRegex = new RegExp('global', 'i');
if (carto.fullDisplayName.search(searchRegex) != -1)
return true;
else if ($scope.sideSearch) {
if ($scope.searched.IS.indexOf(carto.informationSystem) === -1 && carto.informationSystem)
return false;
if ($scope.searched.area.indexOf(carto.area) === -1 && carto.area)
return false;
if ($scope.searched.block.indexOf(carto.block) === -1 && carto.block)
return false;
if ($scope.searched.type.indexOf(carto.type) === -1 && carto.type)
return false;
if ($scope.searched.level.indexOf(carto.level) === -1 && carto.level)
return false;
if ($scope.searchInput) {
var searchRegex = new RegExp($scope.searchInput, 'i');
if (carto.fullDisplayName.search(searchRegex) === -1)
return false;
if (!$scope.homeVisible) {
$scope.homeVisible = true;
window.history.pushState("newUrl", "CartoViewer", window.location.origin + window.location.pathname);
return true;
return true;
Personally, I would filter cartoList
before you send it to the view:
$scope.cartoListFiltered = function() {
return $scope.cartoList.filter($scope.search);
And in your view:
<md-grid-tile class="gray" ng-repeat="carto in cartoListFiltered()">
<md-button ng-click="changeSVG(carto.fileName)" aria-label="carto.displayName">
<img src="style/images/thumbnails/{{carto.fileName}}.png" width="100%" height="100%" title="{{carto.fullDisplayName}}" style="max-height: 220px;"></img>
<md-grid-tile-footer><h3 align="center">{{carto.displayName}}</h3> </md-grid-tile-footer>
This runs your $scope.search
against each individual carto
and includes only the carto
which return true. Same as ng-if
except the logic is executed at the controller (where it should be)