I have created a prefab with animation from sprite sheet, which I want to be played when the Player dies. I checked if the prefab is working by dragging it in the Scene, and it is correctly playing every frame of the sprite sheet in a loop endlessly.
Now I want to play this prefab when the Player dies, and after it ends to destroy it, but so far I am only able to place it where the player dies, and it stays there forever. Also there are some errors when that happens.
Here is the death script:
public class DmgByCollisionEnemy : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject deathAnimation;
void Die() {
deathAnimation = (GameObject) Instantiate(deathAnimation, transform.position, transform.rotation);
I set the deathAnimation by dragging a prefab in the Unity interface.
The error I am getting when the Die()
method fires is
UnassignedReferenceException: The variable deathAnimation of DmgByCollisionEnemy has not been assigned.
You probably need to assign the deathAnimation variable of the DmgByCollisionEnemy script in the inspector.
So how can I do that properly?
You can try to add simple destroy script to Your death animation object that destroys object after time or trigger it in animation (Unity Manual: Using Animation Events). When you instantiate object it will appear on desired position and it will be destroied regardless to "main" object.
Destroy Script like this:
void DestroyMyObject()
Script to run after time:
void Start()
Invoke ("DestroyMyObject", 1f);
void DestroyMyObject()
Spawn script:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class SpawnExtra : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject deathAnimation;
public static SpawnExtra instance;
void Start ()
instance = this;
public void SpawnDeathAnimation(Vector3 position)
Instantiate (deathAnimation, position, Quaternion.identity);
And you can use it when you want to spawn additional object like this:
SpawnExtra.instance.SpawnDeathAnimation (transform.position);
Now you have to add gameobject e.g ExtrasController, add script on it and you can spawn whatever you want. Remember to drag&drop animation prefab in inspector.