I'm using filter.js from https://github.com/jiren/filter.js - great script.
var FJS = FilterJS(products, '#products', {
template: '#productfinder-template',
search: {ele: '#searchbox'},
callbacks: {
beforeAddRecords: function(records){
var jq = JsonQuery(records);
console.log(jq.order({'artnr': 'asc'}).exec());
afterFilter: function(result){
$('#total_products').text(result.length+' records found');
Inside the callback "beforeAddRecord" i called the JsonQuery "order" function and the result is an ordered Json list, just the way i wanted. The problem is getting this result on the screen.
Has anyone have experience with this script?
Did some testing and found following working. I put the code on a button click for testing purposes.
jQuery("#xselected").on('click', function(){
var jq = JsonQuery(products);
products = jq.order({'artnr': 'asc','category':'asc'}).exec();
Removed all records from the filter and added them back after using the order function from JsonQuery.