I am using expression engine and I put my date field in a javascript variable, it parses like this :
So I want to check if this date is earlier than today or not. But when I create a date object and I do console.log(date) it shows me this kind of date :
Wed Jul 01 2015 18:14:33 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
How to change this format to the first one?
You could do it like so:
var dateNumber = 1435269960;
var convertedDate = new Date(1000*dateNumber);
var today = new Date();
if(convertedDate < today)
$(".date").html("The date is in the past<br/><br/>" + convertedDate + "<br/>vs<br/>" + today);
$(".date").html("The date is today or in the future<br/> (" + convertedDate + ") vs (" + today + ")");