Is there any reason why the following would not work:
for (i=0;i < someArray.length;i++) {
if (someArray[i].indexOf("something") !== -1) {
//do something here
The most basic "for" loop possible. But it doesn't work. On the first line (declaration of the loop, not inside the loop), I get "Uncaught reference error; i is not defined."
I have this page open in one Chrome tab, and another earlier version of the page open in another tab. In the other tab, this loop works just fine; in the first tab, this code throws an error.
EDIT - July 2 2015
The response about strict mode was helpful. After reading up a bit and going through the code I've got a handle on what's going on.
The confusing bit was that both versions of the code look like this, with some minor differences (requirejs module):
['dependency1', 'dependency2', 'dependency3'],
function(dep1, dep2, dep3) {
"use strict";
function SomeViewModel(arg1, arg2) {
var self = this;
self.removeRefinement = function(refinementString) {
var refinementArray = refinementString.split("&");
for (i=0;i < navigationArray.length;i++) { //<-- error
One version throws the reference error. One doesn't.
This is a large web application with many other pages and Javascript files. The only thing I could think of was that in one version of the code, maybe i had been inadvertently globally defined somewhere else in the app, where strict mode wasn't enabled. After running to the breakpoint and checking "window" I see that's exactly what's happening.
Thanks =D
If you are in strict mode, you'll get the error Uncaught reference error; i is not defined.
If you're not in strict mode, you won't get the error.
This will throw the error
'use strict'
var someArray = ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'];
for (i=0;i < someArray.length;i++) {
if (someArray[i].indexOf("something") !== -1) {
//do something here
This won't
var someArray = ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'];
for (i=0;i < someArray.length;i++) {
if (someArray[i].indexOf("something") !== -1) {
//do something here