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What documentation tool am I expected to process this with?

I have a file distributed with an atmel library (at91lib), that looks as follows:

 \page "AT91 USB device framework"

 AT91 USB %device framework is a device-side USB framework. It enables rapid
 development of USB-compliant class drivers such as the Mass Storage Device
 (MSD) or the Communication Device Class (CDC) and etc.

 This page shows the index to describe the AT91 USB %device framework.
 - USBD: USB Device

 -# "USB Device Framework Architecture"
 -# "USB Device Framework Description"
   -# "Standard USB Structures"
   -# "USBD API"


 \page "USB Device Framework Architecture"

 !!!Framework Architecture

 The following three-tiered structure is used:
 - A #hardware layer# which performs low-level operations on the USB controller.
 - The #USB API# offers hardware-independent methods and structures.
 - The #application layer#, made up of a USB class driver and the user

Obviously, this is some kind of documentation comment system being used to document a directory. It also clearly produces HTML output, as the file contains an HTML image map at some point.

However, the !!! doesn't look like doxygen, nor does # for linking. Can anyone identify the documentation tool needed to process this to HTML?


  • DoxyS

    If one goes to the rendered version of the documentation and examines the HTML source code (Right-Click -> View Page Source), one sees several linked Javascript files near the top of the HTML.

    <TITLE>../../public_html/softpack-1.5/at91sam7x-ek - at91lib</TITLE>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../../common/js.js" language="JavaScript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="leftmenu.js" language="JavaScript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">

    The file ../../common/js.js contains the following within itself:

    function Body5()
    document.write("</TD><TD class=\"sideIndent\"><img src=\"");
    document.write("dot.gif\" class=\"sideIndent\"></TD></TR></table>\n");
    document.write("<div class=\"doxygenFooter\">\n");
    document.write("<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 class=\"width\"><TR><TD align=right>\n");
    document.write("<a href=\"\" class=\"generatedDoxygen\" onmouseover=\"overLibGeneratedByDoxyS();return overlib('Generated by DoxyS 0.97<br>Wed Apr 16 16:50 2008');\" onmouseout=\"return nd();\">Generated by DoxyS</A>\n");
    document.write("</TD><TD class=\"sideIndent\"><img src=\"");
    document.write("dot.gif\" class=\"sideIndent\"></TD></TR></table>\n");

    Note in particular the link and string Generated by DoxyS 0.97<br>Wed Apr 16 16:50 2008.