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Apache HttpClient: how to send headers along with CONNECT request

I need to connect to a proxy that reads headers in CONNECT requests. I mean specifically the headers that are passed along with CONNECT, before switching to en HTTPS-encrypted stream.

Is that possible with HttpClient? Its default behaviour seems to be to push all headers through the encrypted stream.


  • I am not sure you should be doing this (I personally do not see a valid reason for adding custom headers to CONNECT requests) but this is how this could be done with HttpClient 4.3 or newer

    class MyHttpClientBuilder extends HttpClientBuilder {
        protected ClientExecChain createMainExec(
                final HttpRequestExecutor requestExec,
                final HttpClientConnectionManager connManager,
                final ConnectionReuseStrategy reuseStrategy,
                final ConnectionKeepAliveStrategy keepAliveStrategy,
                final HttpProcessor proxyHttpProcessor,
                final AuthenticationStrategy targetAuthStrategy,
                final AuthenticationStrategy proxyAuthStrategy,
                final UserTokenHandler userTokenHandler) {
            final HttpProcessor myProxyHttpProcessor = new ImmutableHttpProcessor(new RequestTargetHost(), new HttpRequestInterceptor() {
                public void process(HttpRequest request, HttpContext context) throws HttpException, IOException {
                    request.addHeader("Hello", "Mom says hi");
            return super.createMainExec(requestExec, connManager, reuseStrategy, keepAliveStrategy,
                    myProxyHttpProcessor, targetAuthStrategy, proxyAuthStrategy, userTokenHandler);
    HttpClientBuilder httpClientBuilder = new MyHttpClientBuilder();
    CloseableHttpClient client =;