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Add parameter into body with Scribe Library

I'm developing an Android app and I have integrated Scribe library to make http connection with OAuth1.0 with Magento. My problem is that I need to send a request with a parameter into body but without a key. Now I make login correctly and I have my Token authorized, I get products from server, categories, blah blah... but I cannot make checkout because always I get code "401 Authorization require". I think that the problem could be by the parameter in the body.

My code:

        protected String doInBackground(String... json) {
           String result = null;
           org.scribe.model.Response response = null;
           String url = Global.BASE_URL + "cart/1";

           if(Global.TOKEN_AUTHORIZED != null) {
             OAuthRequest request = new OAuthRequest(Verb.POST, url);
             //I only need insert a json into body without key
             request.addBodyParameter(<I don't need a key>, json[0]);
             Global.OAUTH_SERVICE.signRequest(Global.TOKEN_AUTHORIZED, request);
             response = request.send();

           if(response != null && response.getCode() == 200) {
             result = response.getBody();
           } else {
             result = "ERROR";
           return result;

How I put only a parameter in the body but without key, value?

Thanks in advance :)


  • I found the solution:

    1. First is necessary to add a Header to say that content of the request is a json
    2. To add a single parameter into the body without key, value exists a method called addPayload(String)

    Now I get a response with code 200 :)

        if(Global.TOKEN_AUTHORIZED != null) {
            OAuthRequest request = new OAuthRequest(Verb.POST, url);
            request.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
            Global.OAUTH_SERVICE.signRequest(Global.TOKEN_AUTHORIZED, request);
           response = request.send();

    I hope to help somebody :)