Visual Studio has an issue at the moment such that the following won't compile, giving the error,
error C2797: 'vec::v': list initialization inside member initializer list or non-static data member initializer is not implemented
#include <array>
template<class T, int C>
struct vec
typedef T value_type;
enum { num_components = C };
std::array<T, C> v;
template<typename ...Args>
vec(Args&&... args) : v{{args...}} {}
template<class T>
struct vec2 : vec<T, 2>
vec2(T x, T y) : vec(x, y) {}
int main(void)
vec<float, 2> v(10.0f, 20.0f);
The Microsoft Connect ticket for it is closed but there's an MSDN piece about it that recommends, "use explicit construction of inner lists". I don't understand how to do this and the code looks quite alien to me (a beginner).
Can anyone assist with an example using std::array?
In this particular case you can just add a pair of parentheses:
vec(Args&&... args) : v({{args...}}) {}
This works with VS2013 which, I suppose, you are using.
With VS2015 the code works without modifications.
Also note that for C++ conformance vec2
should be rewritten as
vec2(T x, T y) : vec<T, 2>(x, y) {}
using base = vec<T, 2>;
vec2(T x, T y) : base(x, y) {}