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Function arguments names JavaScript

I wonder why pepole use letters for names of arguments of function (i see that mostly in JS). For example that function:

function showMessage(e, t, i) {
    var n = e.find(".admin-message");
    n.empty().removeClass("error success").addClass(i ? "success" : "error");
    if ($.isArray(t)) {
        $.each(t, function(i,item) {
    } else {
        n.html(t + "</br>");

This is short example and it's easy to remember, but i see much longer fuctions with e.g. six arguments (a, b, c, d, e, f, g). Why people use letters, not for example camelCase name?


  • Javascript is usually (or should be) concantenated, uglified and minified before being deployed to production.

    Concantenated - All source files are merged into a single code file. Uglified - Variables, parameters and function names are rewritten so they are shorter and more difficult to read. Minified - All redundant space characters are removed.

    All 3 actions above are performed to make the source smaller and thus faster to load (sometimes also paired with IoC). Uglification is also done for the purpose of 'encoding' proprietary algorithms, making it more difficult to reverse engineer.

    What you posted is probably code that was uglified for the purpose of shrinking the size of the code file and was very likely not done manually, but rather as part of the build/distribution process.