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Handsontable: setDataAtCell on the trigger of an event

I am new to handsontable library of Javascript and hence apologize if the question seems too basic.

What I am trying to do is that if someone writes /changes the data written in the first row of the table, the value in the cell at column 5 and row 5 should be set to "changed". I know that to set a value I would need to use hot.setDataAtCell(5,5,"changed"). What I don't know is how to trigger this command i.e. I need to find a way to identify when any cell in the first row of a column has been changed. I have tried overriding the afterChange callback, but the code keeps on hanging.


  • This should solve your problem,


     var cellChanges = [];
    $(document).ready(function () {
        var myData = [{
            0: 'aaaaaaaaaaaaa',
            1: 'bbbbbbbbb',
            2: 'ccccccc'
        }, {
            0: 'aaaa',
            1: 'b',
            2: 'bbbb'
        }, {
            0: 'aaaa',
            1: 'x',
            2: 'bbbb'
        }, {
            0: 'aaaa',
            1: 'w',
            2: 'bbbb'
        }, ];
            data: myData,
            autoWrapRow: true,
            minSpareRows: true,
            columnSorting: true,
            fillHandle: false,
            currentRowClassName: 'currentRow',
            colHeaders: ["demo", "demo", "demo"],
            afterChange: function (changes, source) {
                if (!changes) {
                $.each(changes, function (index, element) {
                    var change = element;
                    var rowIndex = change[0];
                    var columnIndex = change[1];
                    var oldValue = change[2];
                    var newValue = change[3];
                    var cellChange = {
                        'rowIndex': rowIndex,
                        'columnIndex': columnIndex
                    if(oldValue != newValue){
            afterRender: function () {
                var instance = $('#editOrders').handsontable('getInstance');
                $.each(cellChanges, function (index, element) {
                    var cellChange = element;
                    var rowIndex = cellChange['rowIndex'];
                    var columnIndex = cellChange['columnIndex'];
                    var cell = instance.getCell(rowIndex, columnIndex);
                    var foreColor = '#000';
                    var backgroundColor = '#ff00dd';
           = foreColor;
           = backgroundColor;
            columns: [{
                data: 0
            }, {
                data: 1
            }, {
                data: 2

    and here is the link to jsfiddle;