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Json-cpp - how to initialize from string and get string value?

My code below crashes(Debug Error! R6010 abort() has been called). Can you help me? I'd also would like to know how to initialize the json object from a string value.

Json::Value obj;
obj["test"] = 5;
obj["testsd"] = 655;
string c = obj.asString();


  • Hello it is pretty simple:

    1 - You need a CPP JSON value object (Json::Value) to store your data

    2 - Use a Json Reader (Json::Reader) to read a JSON String and parse into a JSON Object

    3 - Do your Stuff :)

    Here is a simple code to make those steps:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <jsoncpp/json/json.h>
    #include <jsoncpp/json/reader.h>
    #include <jsoncpp/json/writer.h>
    #include <jsoncpp/json/value.h>
    #include <string>
    int main( int argc, const char* argv[] )
        std::string strJson = "{\"mykey\" : \"myvalue\"}"; // need escape the quotes
        Json::Value root;   
        Json::Reader reader;
        bool parsingSuccessful = reader.parse( strJson.c_str(), root );     //parse process
        if ( !parsingSuccessful )
            std::cout  << "Failed to parse"
                   << reader.getFormattedErrorMessages();
            return 0;
        std::cout << root.get("mykey", "A Default Value if not exists" ).asString() << std::endl;
        return 0;

    To compile: g++ YourMainFile.cpp -o main -l jsoncpp

    I hope it helps ;)